Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The O.C. Holidays: Wrong Side O' The Track O'Lantern!

ryan atwood pumpkin template carving the o.c. hulu
Here at Everything The O.C. we are gearing up for this spooktacular holiday in O.C. style! Now you too can light up your house with a little O.C. swag this Halloween! Hulu and artist Chris Yeager present to you the Wrong Side O' The Track O'Lantern featuring no other than Ryan Chino Atwood! Follow the directions on the right-hand side. 

Unsure on how to use the template? Watch to understand how to use a paper template on a pumpkin! 

Also to download the high quality file to be printed as a stencil go here!

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Captain Oats says thank you in advance in his horsey speak!