Monday, November 30, 2015
The O.C. Fan Fiction: Season 10 Episode 13 "The Case of the Cyber Monday"
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The O.C. Holidays: Recipe for a perfect Thanksgiving, O.C. Style!
It's that time again folks, Happy Thanksgiving to all, eat so much turkey you pass out right at the table! Enjoy the video and have a beautiful holiday! - Everything The O.C. Staff
Monday, November 23, 2015
The O.C. Filming Locations: Ryan's Chino Pilot House
Like many TV shows The O.C. was predominately filmed in large Hollywood studios in California. But a handful of scenes were actually filmed in real places to give the right look and feel. The job of location scouts are to go out and prospect areas that resemble a scene the TV show creators are looking for. In addition its ideal to find locations that are located in their own backyard. They do this to cut filming and travel costs.

TV show Pilot episode's often feature even more real locations than regular episodes because of costs and because the creators don't want to build studio sets until they know the TV show will get picked up.
One of which locations was Ryan's Chino house location. In the viewers mind Ryan's house was in Chino but these scenes were actually filmed on location at a real house in Sun Valley, CA which is only 36 miles from Manhattan Beach, CA (where the O.C. studios were).
If production would have actually filmed in Chino, CA they would have been looking at a 55 mile drive (an hour and a half with traffic) and facing a possible mugging along the way. Why go to Chino, CA, spend all that money and time when you can easily film somewhere that looks like Chino?
Post production also came into play in The O.C. pilot episode. The whole pilot episode was filmed with 35mm film which gave the pilot a movie like feel and also a more raw look. Later the show was filmed in the ever so common super 16mm film emulating the 35mm look for much less money.

Here is the photo of Ryan's Chino home before it was set dressed taken by Jaymes Hinkle (production designer)
Ryan's Chino house location, 9320 Telfair Ave Los Angeles, CA resembled a very run down suburban ghetto that probably once was a nice place to live years ago. The home, a one story rectangular shaped plain colored house in need of a ton of maintenance. This painted Ryan's story well, Ryan is poor, Ryan lived in a bad neighborhood, there are drugs, bad parenting and alcohol involved etc.
The house is a 3 bed 2 baths 1,080 square feet home worth an estimated $491,937 (way more than I would have thought).

Here we have the Chino house back in 2007
Here we have the Chino house in 2015 with the front almost completely covered by trees but the same white truck resides. Perhaps the overgrowth of trees was done purposely due to fans trying to reenact scenes!
Well there you have it, grab your back pack, leather jacket with hood and bike and roam the streets of Sun Valley Ryan Atwood style! Say hi to Dawn Atwood for us!
Thanks to Seeing-Stars for the exact address of Ryan's Chino house!
Where to find:
Season 1 Episode 1
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
The O.C. Whoops: Crew Member Caught in Plain Sight!
During season 1 Episode 2 "The Model Home" Marissa and Seth help Ryan with a hiding place, complete with tent, toilet paper and tons of candles. Afterwards they then head out to get a bite to eat at the famous O.C. Diner. On the way there (if you look closely OR NOT) you will see a guy with a green hat, headphones with a mic and a clipboard walking behind Ryan. This is obviously a crew member, SOO BUSTED!
I am wondering if this footage was meant to make it into the episode or perhaps they were lacking footage and thought nobody would notice. Little did they know that Everything The O.C. notices all! At one point Ryan turns his head to the crew member almost keeping up with him in conversation. My only guess is Chino's saying "hey man you think you are in the shot?"...5 seconds of fame..
Where to find:
Season 1 Episode 2 "The Model Home"
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Lovable Props of The O.C.: Carson Ward's Phone Number On The Cohen's Fridge
Look, its Luke's dad Carson's phone number on the Cohen's fridge, I dare you to call it! Word on the Newport streets is if you call this Portland number Luke will actually pick up (results may vary, (Carson has been known to forget to pay his phone bill). Non typical results below!
Where to see:
Season 2 Episode 1 "The Distance"
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Just for fun: Ryan and Oliver meet again on the streets of L.A. in season 5!
Oliver and Ryan reunite 5 years later on the streets of LA in The O.C. Season 5..As you can see Oliver hasn't changed a bit! Oliver mentions hiring Sandy to bail him out!
Friday, November 6, 2015
The O.C. DIY: The Atomic County Comic Book!
Have you wanted some O.C. props but just could't find any available or couldn't afford them on a bus boy Crab Shack salary? Fear not! This DIY will be enough to make even the most casual of fans to drool all over their penguin shirts. This simple do it yourself prop guide will make a great new edition to your ongoing O.C. shrine!
Follow instructions below
- Click here to save the image on your favorite floppy disk, cd, flash drive
- Head to Luke's dad's car dealer ship, he has a killer color jet ink printer! (if they say Carson is in Portland just leave and head to your moms house or local library)
- Print in landscape mode
- Fold it hamburger style
- Display it proudly, cover books with it, trick your friends!
UPDATE 11/2018: We have located images and information from the actual "hero" Atomic County comic book prop that was actually screen used. The dimensions of the real comic is 10" x 6.75". So while mocking this up take note of that! Go here to see photos of the screen used Atomic County prop comic!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Just for Fun: Ryan Atwood's on Skype!
Ryan Atwood's live on Skype right now via the Cohen kitchen! Go ahead say hi but we can't guarantee Ryan will be saying much back, he is a man of few words and can convey most things with just a look. So unleash your inner thoughts, whats troubling you, girlfriend advice, he'll listen and most likely not judge you! Therapist Chino in the house!
Monday, November 2, 2015
The O.C. in the News: The O.C. is now streaming online for free!

You heard it right O.C. fans, The O.C. is finally streaming online for free! No it won't be available via your fancy Netflix cue or Hulu stream anytime soon but the great people at The CW have posted the whole series on So kick back, grab a bagel and relax! Maybe your watching for the first time or maybe your an avid veteran to the cause, whatever the case enjoy it while it lasts kids! Welcome to The O.C. Bitch!