Friday, August 7, 2015

Lovable Props From The O.C.: Captain Oats, one sought after Pony!

Here he is in all of his horsey horseness, Captain Oats, Seth's trusty and often silent sidekick. The very horse that helped Seth in multiple pickles that he of course most likely got himself into.

captain oats breyer 1119

If you didn't know already, captain oats wasn't an exclusive made for tv prop. Captain oats comes from a line of horse toys by Breyer, a collectable toy company.

captain oats breyer 1119

Captain oats is actually model 1119 "Pony of The Americas" and is highly sought after not only by Breyer horse collectors but fans of The O.C.

captain oats breyer 1119

They are semi scarce and go for around 100 bucks and sometimes higher than that!

captain oats breyer 1119

Recently the people that are backing The O.C. Musical purchased a Breyer 1119 (assuming online)
for their O.C. tribute musical as well as a Princess Sparkles, both replicas.

captain oats breyer 1119

So keep your eyes peeled on eBay and you too could talk to Captain Oats in troubled times!

captain oats breyer 1119

Rumor has it that there wasn't a set number of actual Captain Oats props used on the O.C., Adam Brody has quoted that he doesn't remember if there were 1 or 10.

Josh Schwartz desk captain oats princess sparkles

Where is Captain Oats now you ask? Josh Schwartz, the creator of The O.C. has both Captain Oats and Princess Sparkles sitting on his desk located in his office. Truly priceless! Way to go Josh!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Lovable Props From The O.C.: Seth Cohens Harbor School Clubs

Seth Cohen wasn't known for his love of sports but what he lacked on the athletic side he made up on the artistic side. Here are all three Harbor school clubs Seth Cohen was not only the president of but also the only member, sigh poor Cohen!

Comic Book Club, the only member - this of course changed a bit when Cohen recruited some new members in season two, one of which was the Zach attack Stevens.

Film Preservation Society, not much to say about his preservation skills but we do get to see some of his Cinematography skills in Season 4 Episode 14 "The Shake Up", Seth tries to prove to Summer that he can be passionate about something. So he got all artsy and decided to film 6 hours of footage of floats in the pool..which turned out well uninspired to say the least and Summer was NOT impressed!

Next Spielberg? Dream on Cohen!

And last but not least the Sailing Team, an avid sailor Seth Cohen wanted to take the Summer Breeze to Tahiti and back! Just call him Captain Jack Cohen!

The O.C. Easter Egg: Look Who It is

In Season 1 Episode 22 "The L.A." Summer and Marissa walk along the beach when they stumble across a film crew and some shouting girls surrounding a male actor. The guy surrounded by the girls is of course the one and only Grady Bridges the big star of the fictitious hit show the Valley. During that scene look closely in the background you will notice a notable real life The O.C. crew member pretending to be a crew member on the Valley. The guy with the white hair and glasses is Jamie Barber which was the director of photography on a handful of The O.C. episodes.

Jamie Barber walking through the sand as the camera pans to the right towards Grady.

Grady signing autographs and taking photos with his many fans. Great detail was put in place on those actor chairs, the Valley logo on the back of each chair. 

Jamie Barber not being very inconspicuous in the background, tried to hide behind those glasses but here at Everything The O.C., we see through that disguise! Aw look at that Grady Bridges fan caress.

And last but not least we have Jamie Barber working the camera in the Cohen backyard.
Furthermore the guy really likes Hawaiian shirts!

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Captain Oats says thank you in advance in his horsey speak!