If you don't remember Eric, he was one of Luke Ward's (Chris Carmack) two younger brothers in the show. Corey was a great casting choice as he looked a lot like his fictitious older brother Luke.
Eric and his brother Brad (Wayne Dalglish) ended up staying in Newport after Luke and his dad split to Portland. Eric and Brad made their comedic reintroduction in season 4 - Do you remember the chest shaving scene? Before that we only saw Luke's brothers in the season 1 episode 12 "The Secret" - The actors we saw in that episode were different than who they casted in season 4.
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As you can see Corey is on the right and his twin brother is on the left |
The following interview comes from the now defunct O.C. site Editorial Newport! It's too good to be forgotten! Enjoy!
1. Were you a fan of the show before your appearance?
I had seen The OC a few times but did not watch it with any regularity. However, I was pretty familiar with the show because all the gals in high school used to talk about it all the time. They all loved it. So you can imagine how much fun I had when I got to tell them I was to be on it.
2. What was it like being featured on such a successful show?
Not bad for a first gig. It was a real honor to be a part of. I think it’s just a really cool show to say you’ve been on. And I’ll never forget it.
3. Having your own real-life twin brother, was it somewhat more "normal" to have an onscreen Twin Brother, too? Or was it just all the odder?
Well, because I have been around my real twin brother Casey for my entire life it was a bit strange to be someone else’s twin brother for the show. Especially when he’s four years younger than me. But Wayne is an awesome kid. I got along with him very well.
4. What kind of reaction did you receive from family/friends about the role?
Well, as I said a lot of my friends from high school were avid fans of the show so it was very exciting to tell them. I received nothing but constant support and encouragement from my friends and family back home. It really felt great to have people back home be proud of me.
5. How was the very, um, "interesting" experience of shaving Wayne Daglish's chest?
Hahahaha. . . .Yeah, I’d say that was pretty memorable. Wayne and I had a lot of fun with that scene. After one particular take, when “cut” was supposed to be called, absolute silence was kept from the entire set as if to keep shooting. So basically everyone left me to shave Wayne’s chest for a few extremely long moments before they all started laughing. We had just been joked on. It was rather demoralizing.
6. Furthermore, were there many highlight funny scenes?
I got to be in a closet with this very attractive girl named Janel Parrish who played Leah in one of the episodes. The scene starts with us walking out of the closet as if we had just played “seven minutes in heaven.” I told her the scene would look more real if we were really making out in the closet before we walked out. I thought I was pretty convincing but she didn’t go for it.
7. Do you reckon you fill out much of the Orange County/Californian beach pseudo-jock stereotype?
Hahaha wow. No, definitely not. I am not, not have I ever been an athlete. I have always been into music. I’ve been playing the drums since I was a little kid. And my brother has been playing the guitar. We’ve grown up loving and playing music and never showed much interest in athletics. ROGER WATERS.JUNE 2007.HOLLYWOOD BOWL!! HELL YEAH!!
8. You apparently had a handful of scenes cut from the episodes. Do you feel they contributed much to the story?
Not really. Although, I was a little bummed about those cut scenes, they actually were pretty irrelevant to the main stories.
9. Do you actually play water-polo?
I’m from Kentucky. I had never even heard of water polo. Nor am I a very strong swimmer. Needless to say, the whole ordeal was a bit of a struggle.
10. Willa Holland must've been amazing to work with...
Yes, she was quite nice and a pleasure to work with. But she is just the worst at brain-teasers. As I remember, Wayne was pretty awful too. Despite what they may say, my superiority in the area of logic and reasoning led to many brain-teaser triumphs.
11. And finally, Were there any outstanding experiences from your time on the show?
One of the most memorable moments of my time working on the show was my first moment on set. I had just finished with make-up and hair and I walked to the stage for the first time. I had never even been on TV set before and the whole thing was amazing. I even recognized some of the sets from my recollections of seeing the show from years earlier, when I was in high school. I met Adam Brody, who is a very nice guy and fun to work with. My level of excitement that morning was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. Exactly a year earlier, I was in Kentucky just graduating high school.
Interview conducted: April 23rd, 2007.
Published on: April 29th, 2007.