Sunday, December 24, 2017

The O.C. Holidays: Seth's OC Chrismukkah Sweater!

Merry Chrismukkah eve everyone! As we soon wrap up this holiday season we wanted to share yet another awesome holiday inspired OC musing.

A very close replica to Seth's season one Chrismukkah sweater has been found. Although not entirely exactly the same - it is the closest design yet. The main difference is the spacing of the deer on Seth's version. 

This particular replica is made by a company called "Steep Slopes" and we believe it to be from around the 1980's. If you search Ebay under the term "Steep Slopes sweater" you should be able to find one if you're lucky! 

Fun fact: The sweater that Seth wears in season 1's Chrismukkah episode was actually given to Seth by the writer/creator of the show Josh Schwartz! It came from his personal collection! You may be thinking oh man Seth had to wear an old guys sweater but in fact Josh and Seth were very close in age. 

Now scour the web and try to find this replica for yourself! With that being said we hope you have a very merry Chrismukkah and it is filled with great laughs, good family/friends, so much food you almost pass out and a whole lot of awesome gifts! 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The O.C. Memorabilia: The Best Chrismukkah Ever Script!

At Everything The O.C. we love acquiring rare one-of-a-kind OC items. One of which is an actual script used in season 1 episode 13 "The Best Chrismukkah Ever". If you are unfamiliar with this episode your not a true fan! It's also known as the episode where Seth introduces not only to Ryan but to the whole world about his super holiday combining the best of Christmas and Hanukkah into one super holiday known as Chrismukkah. TV shows have multiple stages of scripts - this script above just so happens to be the blue draft from 10-07-03. This particular episodes is probably in the top 5 best episodes of the entire series. Notice at the bottom left they originally wrote this as episode 12 (112) - later turned to 13..Episode 12 was the Luke's dad Carson coming out episode called "The Secret". 

Here is a look inside. In this excerpt Seth is trying to teach Ryan about his super holiday!

And here is the scene pointed out above. The look on Ryan's face is priceless. Let us know if you like these kinds of posts - if the demand is high enough we will be happy to scan certain scripts for the fans!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The O.C. DIY: Make your own paper Chrismukkah Yamaclaus!

As Chrismukkah is approaching fans look for ways they can connect with their favorite show! Thanks to we present to you a tutorial on how to make your very own paper Yamaclaus based off of the one Lindsay created in season 2 of The O.C..

"Holy Moses it's beautiful!" -Seth

Save the above JPG onto your computer and print (it will be displayed in full size). If you decide your not the creative type check out their website and buy the real deal for around 11 dollars.

Watch Lindsay present to Ryan her creation and Ryan's drop the mic moment when he shows Seth the Yamaclaus in the clip above from The O.C. "The Chrismukkah that almost wasn't".

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Captain Oats says thank you in advance in his horsey speak!