In case you don't know, a cinemagraph is a classier more thought out version of a GIF.
A cinemagraph is seamless art. Capturing the beauty in the subtle moments you may have forgotten, making them last forever within your personal snow globe to gaze upon.
All of the following O.C. Cinemagraphs have been created by, please give credit when posting elsewhere. Thanks and Enjoy!
Ryan looks out to what looks like the Day After Tomorrow
Sandy kicking back in the Cohen lazy boy and watching some television, I think his favorite judge show is on!
Ryan realizing its raining in The O.C.
Ryan waiting for Sandy to pick him up
Seth and Ryan in deep contemplation as they float in the Cohen infinity pool
Kirsten relaxing in the infinity pool after a hard days work
Julie and Caleb's mansion
Ryan hanging out in the model home
Julie pouring Caleb a special drink
Ryan Studying hard in the pool house
Marissa waits for her ride to her new house
Seth and Ryan meet Caleb's new girlfriend Gabrielle
The core four playing a little PlayStation
Ryan embracing Marissa in the Cohen backyard
Ryan amusing himself while talking with Seth
Sandy and Kirsten manage to kiss even after all the drama between her father, The Balboa Wetlands and Rachel.