The O.C. Episode Recaps: Season 1 Episode 2 "The Model Home"

Aired 8/12/2003

On a lazy Southern California day, Ryan and Seth float in the pool. Inside, Kirsten stresses to her father over the phone that she's aware how important it is to sell the lots in their newest development. Then she asks Sandy what will happen if they can't find Ryan's mother. Into the system he'd go. Foster care.

The Cohens sit down for their last dinner with Ryan. After eating, Sandy discusses meeting with Ryan's social worker in the morning, and Ryan's chances of landing in a new foster family. Seth can't understand why Ryan can't just stay with the Cohen clan.

That night, Ryan can't sleep. He packs up his stuff to take off, but runs into Seth first. He wants to know Ryan's plan, but of course he doesn't have one. Seth, on the other hand, does.

Waiting by the driveway for Seth to sneak past the parents, Ryan starts chatting up Marissa, who was heading out to a party. Words are exchanged and next thing we know Marissa is giving Seth and Ryan a ride to wherever it is they're going, which Seth is refusing to divulge.

The destination? One of the model mansions that is part of Kirsten's new development. Seth thinks it'll make a perfect hideout for Ryan. While Seth skates in the unfinished pool, Ryan and Marissa talk about their families. Seems they both have some skeletons. The exchange of secrets is interrupted by a call from Luke, who helpfully informs Marissa that he's at the party and "it's time to get your buzz on."

The group adjourns and Seth says he'll meet up with Ryan tomorrow. Marissa says she's in too. Morning comes and Sandy can't find Ryan. Seth and Marissa touch base to head back to Casa Ryan.

Still playing house, the trio heads out for some food shopping and emotional bonding. Seth discovers that he and Marissa have a lot in common - such as a love of punk rock and Kerouac - which bothers him slightly. How is he supposed to hold a grudge against the popular girl when they have the same tastes?

Having lunch and planning their next move, the group notices Luke and some friends come in. Marissa tries to distract them so Ryan and Seth can sneak out, but nothing doing. Luke spots them and his testosterone kicks in. Ryan drills Luke with another punch and he and Seth take off running.

Back at the squatted homestead, trouble arises when Kirsten arrives to show Jimmy the lay of the land. When the kids, hiding out so they're not seen, overhear Jimmy borrowing $100,000 from Kirsten, it adds a whole new level to the proceedings.

Later, at another swinging party, the popular, pretty and cool kids discuss their shared dislike of all things Ryan. Luke predicts pain for the new kid. Marissa doesn't like what she's overhearing and takes off. Where's she going? To see Ryan on his last night in the manse before the contractors come.

Ryan wants Marissa to go because if she stays, he might want to stay in Newport come tomorrow. She doesn't think that's a bad idea, but he thinks they're too different to meet with any success. Marissa leaves, unaware of what lies in Ryan's future. And also unaware that Luke tailed her to the model home and is sitting in his truck with two friends.

Luke and his boys head into the house to confront Ryan. Rather than civilized discourse, Luke decides the best plan of action is fightin'! The brawl knocks over a candle, then some cans of paint and suddenly the boys have more than simple girl troubles on their hands. They've also set a multi-million dollar home on fire. Luke knocks out Ryan and he and his boys take off. But before leaving, Luke goes back and carries Ryan outside.

The Cohens and the cops meet at the burned out house. There were signs that somebody was living inside. Seth says that may be his fault. Elsewhere, Ryan is trying to hitch a ride out of town. Luke stops and tells him if they keep quiet, nobody will know how the fire started. Ryan hops in and tells Luke he's giving him a ride. Back to the Cohen's house.

Upon his less than triumphant return to the Cohen homestead, the cops lead Ryan away but Luke speaks up, saying the fire was an accident. They're both taken in for questioning. Leaving the Cohens and Coopers with plenty of their own questions.

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Captain Oats says thank you in advance in his horsey speak!