The O.C. Episode Recaps: Season 1 Episode 1 "Premiere" OR Pilot

101 - "PREMIERE"
Aired 8/5/2003

Two guys see a '70s Camaro sitting by itself on a dark street. One has a crowbar. With the adage, "I'm your older brother. If I don't teach you this, who will?" the older one smashes the window with his trusty crowbar. A passing cop car takes note and suddenly a chase is on. Like most chases, this one ends badly for the perps.

The younger brother, Ryan, is lead to a room in the jail that currently houses him. His public defender, Sandy Cohen, comes in to meet him. Sandy tries to straighten out the boy, but Ryan does his best to resist change. Unperturbed, Sandy lays his card on Ryan. Just in case.

Ryan's mom comes screeching up to juvy hall to pick up her boy. When they get home, mom amps up the yelling and hands the boy his walking papers. He's out of the house.

He calls a few friends in search of a couch to sleep on, but nobody comes through. One last chance. Sandy. True to his word, Sandy helps out and picks up Ryan, driving him back to his place in Newport Beach. Which comes as a surprise to Sandy's wife, Kirsten. Understandably reluctant to allow a teen felon in the house, some debate ensues. But Kirsten caves in and gathers a blanket for Ryan to use in the guest house.

Killing time, Ryan heads to the curb for a smoke. Lucky for him, a pretty girl is standing there already. Marissa. The girl next door. She asks Ryan what he's doing here. He tells her the story about the car and she chuckles, assuming Ryan is really the Cohens' nephew from Boston. Interrupting the budding relationship is a giant truck, driven by Marissa's boyfriend, Luke.

A new day. Ryan has a slightly better view from the guest house than his old bedroom window. Walking around, he happens upon the Cohens' son, Seth. Sandy implores Seth to take Ryan out in the fresh air, so they go sailing. Seth confesses his desire to sail to Tahiti next year with the girl he has a massive crush on, Summer.

Over at Marissa's house, two federal agents come around looking for her father. She says she has no idea where he is. Then she heads to the den and heads her dad their card. He brushes the whole thing off. Marissa isn't so sure.

The time comes for the Cohens and Ryan to attend a fashion show fundraiser. Ryan is tossed headfirst into a world of extravagant house parties and crudités with odd ingredients. He sticks out, but not nearly as much as Seth.

During the show, conversation at the adult table steers to money. Sandy marvels to Jimmy about how much Marissa's dress must have cost, and another table guest says that's proof that Jimmy's a great financial guy. He'll make them all rich! Jimmy begins to feel a little flush and escapes to the bathroom, where he breaks down. Ryan, washing his hands, takes note.

Following the show, Summer intercepts Ryan and invites him to a party. Ryan pulls in Seth and they're off. Walking in the door, Ryan immediately realizes he's in a new world. And Seth immediately realizes he's in a world he didn't know existed.

Luke, having some time on his hands, takes a young blonde out to look at the ocean. She's wonders if Marissa will mind, but Luke doesn't care. Summer, having a lot of alcohol in her bloodstream, makes a play for Ryan. Which Seth oversees and misinterprets, his own judgment severely impaired by his first three beers. Ever. He tells Ryan to head back to Chino and if he needs a ride, just steal a car from out front. The party people overhear this, and suddenly they're not so intrigued by who this new kid is. Seth stumbles off toward the water to forget his troubles.

Of course, on his way he runs into more troubles. A few surfer types don't like geeks and remind Seth of their prejudice by shoving him around. Ryan sees this and comes to Seth's defense, punching Luke in the face. Friends jump in and soon Ryan and Seth are lying on the sand, nursing bruises.

The next morning, Kirsten finds Seth and Ryan sleeping it off in the guest house. Not happy with the new influence. Sandy sticks up for the kid, but it doesn't take. Kirsten wants Ryan out. Sandy drives the boy back to Chino, but when they get there, they find an empty house. Back to Newport they go.

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Captain Oats says thank you in advance in his horsey speak!